Hi, I’m Sheila Duchek, Practice Area Lead for Hydrogeology and Water here at Trace Associates. We’re the balancing act. Our role is to ensure regulatory compliance as our clients work through the life of the mine and provide considerations for them to achieve their approvals in a cost-effective and timely manner. We’re honest, we listen, and we understand what our clients need so they know they have a trusted advisor, not someone who is going to try to provide too little or too much.
Our mining team balances science and engineering with practicality with a focus on efficiency, cost reduction, and proactive regulatory compliance. Trace offers personalized service from a team of experts experienced in the regulatory and environmental considerations specific to mining projects in Western Canada
Mining Services
- Reclamation (all aspects)
- Vegetation and soil assessments
- Slope stability and restoration
- Vegetation/weed management, control, advisory
- Soil and water assessment and remediation
- Groundwater impact assessments
- Groundwater exploration, licensing, and monitoring
- Hydrogeological assessments
- Dewatering system design
- Pond integrity assessments
- Environmental planning and monitoring
- Erosion and sediment control plans
- Watercourse crossing plans
- Spill management
- Landowner and indigenous relations
- Wildlife, amphibian, and bird surveys and monitoring
- Water and wastewater treatment and impact advisory
- Emergency management and business continuity training and advisory
- ICS training